Twirl Around the World!

Without abandoning my original intent for this blog of walking & fitness, I want to expand it to include my WALK with the Lord and our Spiritual Health!

I want to fulfill the purpose God has for me, bring Him glory, and bless as many others I can along my journey!

Praying you will receive a blessing for journeying with me along this path!

Twirl with Turtle Girl

Turtle Shells (Pages)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm still PLODDING...

Along...even though it appears I've retreated into my "TURTLE-SHELL"! Actually, I suppose THAT is perhaps what I have done, in reality. It is almost like I'm emerging from a loooonnnggg "Hibernation" from "Being Myself"! I correlate these last ten or so years of my life:  "The Second Adolescence"!

Due to EARLY-onset "Change-of-Life," I have been struggling over the past ten or more years to "adjust" to the "New ME." THIS "Me" is a synthesis of an inkling of my "OLD, original" self, enveloped within an unrecognizable, non-responsive, pain-ridden BODY or SHELL!

Plopped on top is a "Styrofoam Globe" of my so-called "MIND" that abandoned me instantly upon graduation from my Master's Program! After pouring my ENTIRE heart, soul, spirit, body, mind, time, energy, focus, and resources into successful acquisition and practical implementation of all the knowledge and skills infused into my spongy mind, I was EMPTY!!!!

Slowly, VERY slowly...through prayer, God's grace, and extremely patient friends, along with therapy and diligent medical treatment, I am gently, cautiously emerging from my protective shell. But I am being oh, so tentative, cautious, and SLOW!

There is SO much MORE to my journey, yet, since these years were beyond overwhelming to me, I tend to simplify and consolidate them into a vague, condensed "wad" of least, for now.

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