is the best description for what I'm feeling lately!
I have had a busy and challenged past several days since I last wrote in my blog. The only time I've actually walked was early Sunday morning. I had begun to walk at the Blue Mountain walking trail surrounding the city park right behind city hall when I was joined by a lady named Diane. She invited me to turn around a walk through the town of Blue Mountain up and down the steep hills with her to add to our walking challenge. And was it a challenge! On one of the steepest hills I had to stop THREE times to catch my breath. What added to my discouragement was the fact that she is 62 to my 47 and it didn't bother her one bit!
There have been other discouragements and frustrations,
both in regards to walking and just personally. I have NOT been able to walk like I've wanted to--it has rained, I've been too sleepy, too many things in my schedule to get done, etc. Honestly, I even tried to walk while shopping in Walmart today...but that was such a minute amount that I'd hardly count it! I've not felt such "battling" since my last mission trip! Makes me wonder what is going on! I can't even find my Passport for our upcoming trip to Canada the last week in July!
We leave for a week in Florida tomorrow to attend Billy's national government accounting conference. But I don't imagine I'll get any significant walking done during that--if I do, I'll be quite surprised! Mosquitoes are eating me alive right now! I still have to pack, wash dishes, tidy up the house, and perhaps sleep tonight? Hah! Regardless, I HAVE to be completely ready to leave with Billy by Noon tomorrow/today actually (Thursday)!
You ever have one of those weeks
you just want to throw your hands up and just give up? Well, considering I weigh the heaviest I have ever weighed in my life--and it is in the "overweight" category for sure--I can attest that THIS is one of them!
I had a melt down last night,
and am on the verge of one even now. I'm going to tell you like it is for me along my journey--this is ONE place I don't want to "pretend"...even though I'm expected to do so in every other area of my life (which I detest)!
Hoping for a better day ahead...
Turtle Girl
Turtle Girl Twirl is my self-described title this blog, based on a little story I wrote called "I Am a Turtle" & the fact I am SO SLOW! I continue to be magnetized to helping the struggling. I truly believe my Calling is to be a Paraclete--one who comes alongside another to help through the journey's challenges to victory! I ask you to try viewing experiences from the perspective of one with battle scars & wounds but KNOWS that the TURTLE WON THE RACE! And so will I!
Twirl Around the World!
Without abandoning my original intent for this blog of walking & fitness, I want to expand it to include my WALK with the Lord and our Spiritual Health!
I want to fulfill the purpose God has for me, bring Him glory, and bless as many others I can along my journey!
Praying you will receive a blessing for journeying with me along this path!
Twirl with Turtle Girl
I want to fulfill the purpose God has for me, bring Him glory, and bless as many others I can along my journey!
Praying you will receive a blessing for journeying with me along this path!
Twirl with Turtle Girl
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